St.Francis School Indirapuram

ST. Francis School

St.Francis School Indirapuram
St.Francis School Indirapuram

Expectations from Parents

Expectations from Parents

1. Parents are requested to co-operate with the Director, Principal, and Staff to ensure effective functioning school and the well being of their wards. 
2. Parents are co-educators of the child, so it is essential that they mold the character of their wards and instill discipline and moral values. 
3. In the interest of the child’s future, it is very essential for him/ her to imbibe self-discipline. The teacher will take adequate corrective measures to ensure the general discipline of the class under her/his care. The teacher’s efforts will bear fruit only with adequate positive inputs from the parents. 
4. Parents must sign on the page after taking note of the remarks written by the teacher, in the diary as well as in the answer papers, and guide the child accordingly without undue pressure. Parents are requested to ensure that their remarks in the diary are duly attended by the teachers. If not, they are requested to bring it to the notice of the Principal. 
5. Our School strongly discourages private tuitions. The teaching program in the school is good enough for the students to perform well, provided they are attentive in the class and realize their responsibilities. The habit of self-study and regularity in reading must be encouraged at home. 
6. Parents are requested to see that some amount of regular English conversation takes place at home.

7. Parents will be allowed to enter the school premises only after the verification of their credentials by way of checking their I.D.card issued to them by the school authorities.
8. Parents are not permitted to interact with the teachers or students during school hours. In case of any emergency, the Principal must be contacted.
9. Entry is forbidden for parents and visitors beyond the School Reception Area. Parents are strictly forbidden to go to any class or to the teaching areas without permission and sanction from the school authorities.
10. Parents should keep in mind that as co-educators of the child, it is very essential to observe the dress code when they are in school premises. Pedal-pushers, Bermuda shorts, or any tight-fitting or suggestive clothing could be a source of distraction or deviation from the normal dress code.
11. Parents who visit the school during school hours are to make known the purpose of their visit at the reception counter so that they can be attended to. They should not proceed to the classes and disturb the teaching.
12. Criticism of teachers or the school in front of the wards/other parents should be strictly avoided as it causes the student to lose his/her respect for the teachers. If any parent humiliates or insults a teacher, the school reserves the right to ask that parent to withdraw their ward forthwith or at the end of the academic year. If there are genuine complaints pertaining to a teacher, parents should register a written complaint against the teacher. 
13. According to the nature of the complaint, suitable action will be taken.
14. Parents are expected to converse and communicate ONLY in English in the school premises.
15. Parents should avoid using the school as a meeting place for airing grievances. Communication of problems in writing to the school authorities will be appreciated. 16. Parents who intentionally organize others to revolt against the management or invite the media into the campus in order to defame the institution will be asked to withdraw their wards from the school immediately.
17. Parents should ensure that their wards are regular in studies and allied assignments.
18.Healthy and nutritious food should be packed for tiffin along with a napkin.
19. In case you need, any help from the School/Principal, regarding the well-being of your ward please, do not hesitate to communicate.
20. Whenever changes occur in your residence/office address and telephone numbers notify it in writing to the school office, immediately.
 Parents are requested to see that their ward does not bring home anything from the school without the teacher’s knowledge, and if so send it back the very next day and inform the teacher.